Damp Proofing Against Cancer

Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Founder Trustee (Brick-Tie EOT)

Our MD Bryan Hindle is walking tall (and straighter than normal), at the moment. The reason is that his goal to raise £200 for cancer research before February the first has been more than achieved. His total to date is a whopping £502!

How has he done this? Climbing a mountain? Running a marathon, sitting in a bath of snakes? NO, he?s done this by giving up alcohol as part of Cancer Research?s Dryahtlete campaign.

After a very intoxicating night on the 32nd of December…. hic! Bryan has not touched a drop for nearly a month. Our staff say that Bryan’s damp and timber surveys are works of art this month and the eloquence of his pep talks in the office is astounding, the difference is phenomenal – just goes to show!

Hardly hard work though, so how come all this money has been raised?

“This highlights that people just WANT to give and they’ll give for virtually any excuse” says Bryan.

In addition he’s chuffed to bits with the response from his staff and contacts in the damp proofing industry “My fellow Property Care Association members have been very generous, they are a great bunch of people and let’s face it, they know I like a drink!”

You can help the essential work Cancer Research are doing to secure better treatment and detection of cancer by visiting Bryan’s just giving page and making a donation.

Without so much as a slurred word Bryan said?

“If it’s because I have given you good advice, done a good job for you, or just for the hell of it, I’d be very grateful for any help you can give to this worthy cause.”

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