Wall tie failure collapsed wall

Cavity Wall collapse in Leeds – fixed

Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Founder Trustee (Brick-Tie EOT)

A Cavity Wall Collapse

Good footage of the aftermath of a wall collapse in Leeds. An exposed gable wall at the end of a terrace. Wind suction pulled the apex area so that the external skin of this rubble wall just peeled away.

Brick-Tie are here to install a remedial wall tie system in the remaining section of wall and install ‘starter ties’ to the naked brick section. Provision of some additional lateral restraint is also considered, as our Surveyor talks you through the situation.

In the video you can see how the ‘though stones’ which tie the inner brick to the outer stone, have been torn away by the collapsing stone. This type of failure is sometimes described as ‘unzipping’. Once the apex fails away it can pull what were really quite sound sections with it.

Bryan give good advice in this video. We do this day to day as Yorkshire’s most experienced and expert wall tie and structural repair specialists. Need advice? Call us for a no obligation chat on Leeds 265 2752 York 566577 or Sheffield 224 5121 or email us  via our contact page

Cavity wall tie corrosion in Yorkshire (now getting much worse)


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