Brick Tie Fit2Fit

New team member joins Brick-Tie

Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Founder Trustee (Brick-Tie EOT)


Welcome to our new team member; Gareth Clark

Gareth; ‘Gaz’ to his mates, joined us this week. Employing another skilled plasterer, with great trowel skills strengthens our team and adds more flexibility for our projects.

The work on developing and broadening Gaz’s skills has already started. Our aim is to secure Gaz’s future, as a skilled all-round remedial technician within the next 12 months. Day one was given to his health and safety induction, which included face fit testing, administered by Josie Allitt, who is one of two Fit2Fit qualified testers in our team. Josie issued Gaz with his personal protective equipment bag. The bag contains all of the PPE he may need and is checked and topped-up by Josie every Friday.


fit2fit mask face fittest at Brick-Tie Limited
First day at work and Gareth is subjected to his face fit test!

A day in the life of Brick-Tie

After his induction Gaz spent the afternoon with our MD Bryan Hindle. Bryan always spends time with every new starter “I get to know them better as we drive around from whatever appointments I have. I can answer their questions and give them some valuable background about the company’s history and our values”, he said . “Of course they can also see who leads the firm and that can tell you a lot about the culture in a company”.

Later, Gaz and Bryan visited Hudson Quarter, which is a site we are employed on in the centre of York. Our client; Caddick Construction is constructing a prestigious mixed use development there. Brick-Tie’s role is the installation and testing of Cintec high specification fixings. These were proof tested to 25kN (that’s 2.5 tonnes). They are safety critical anchors; 900mm long; precision installed in 50mm diameter diamond drilled holes.

Tension testing was carried out using one of our calibrated digital test gauges.;  ‘pulling’ through a Hydrajaws hydraulic rig with a heavy duty load bridge. Gaz applied the tension himself, under Bryan’s supervision. All of the anchors passed the test with flying colours.


tension testing Cintec anchors inYork using a Hydrajaws 200 with digital bluetoothh gauge
Gareth Clark, enjoying application of 2.5 tonnes with a simple flick of the wrist!


Lifelong learning

Gareth is delighted to start his journey within one of Yorkshire’s most diversely skilled specialist companies. In the coming months he’ll be plastering of course; though he’ll be using specialist materials, membrane systems and many types of mortars including natural lime based products. He’ll also be working with skilled technicians, installing wall ties, diamond drilling, treating dry rot and woodworm, undertaking structural repairs, testing wall ties, waterproofing basements and installing lateral restraints and Helifix masonry repair systems too. He told Bryan “I love learning new things”. This is music to our ears; lifelong learning and sharing best practice is at the heart of Brick-Tie and it’s why we’ve been trading for over 34 years.

Everyone in Brick-Tie is delighted to welcome Gaz!

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