
CSTDB – Damp, Timber and Wall Tie Surveyor

Surveyor Paul Glover

Need a damp and timber surveyor to survey your project?Paul Glover joined us in the summer of 2014 on the recommendation of an existing team member. His appointment strengthened our team, as we expand our damp proofing, wall tie replacement and waterproofing services into South Yorkshire and beyond.

In common with the best remedial surveyors, he is from a technical background, having spent years ‘on the tools’ as a remedial technician, with a respected national PCA member company. His talents won him a chance to be trained and promoted to surveyor status; following success in PCA remedial damp certificate and Heath, safety and law exams.

He values his practical experience, which bears fruit when he is surveying and specifying repairs; “It’s those countless buildings I’ve taken apart and put together every day over the years, which really taught me about buildings – how they react to dampness and the impact of any remedial work – what works and what doesn’t” says Paul.

Asked what it is he enjoys about his work he’s quick to reply “Meeting new customers every day and being in a position to help them with their buildings is great… I get paid to do an enjoyable job, and at Brick-Tie there are new learning opportunities, with great support from the management team, which is icing on the cake really… brilliant”



Paul has sat and passed his Property Care Association technician’s exam, “Whilst I no longer work as a technician, it was really good to take the PCA tech’s course, seeing best practice at work has become a daily thing since I joined Brick-Tie” says Paul, “Everyone in the team is committed to personal development – I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

Paul is a damp and timber surveyor, as well as a wall tie corrosion surveyor. He is a bpec ventilation engineer, so if you are not sure your extraction is working or, if you’d like to control your home air quality in accordance with Building regulations (Part F), – he’s your man.

In fact Paul recently demonstrated his skills in respect of condensation and mould treatment – read his case study on how he helped a landlord change a mouldy student let into a dry one.

Paul is also a qualified Helifix engineer, able to diagnose cracks in buildings, repair bulging walls and arrange insurance backing for these repairs.


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