Dry Rot Specialists
Commercial Dry Rot Specialists
Our wet rot and dry rot specialists offer a fully comprehensive range of services to commercial clients. We can help in identifying, planning, costing and rectifying issues with dry and wet rot on your premises or projects you may be involved with. We’ve worked with all kinds of commercial organisations and properties over the years, including:
- Hospitals
- Residential conversions
- Offices
- Care homes
- Retail premises.
- Industrial and heritage sites
Cost-effective and Timely Intervention
The problem with dry rot and wet rot and is that when these infections are discovered, they can have a huge impact. We’ve seen many projects delayed or the budget blown apart by the late discovery of a dry rot outbreak or severe, hidden wet rot.
Our dry rot specialists are here to make sure that developers and commercial property stakeholders have full, clear details on any dry or wet rot problems early on. Cost-effective and timely intervention can be agreed and built into your overall plans. Our commercial timber infestation and damp reports set out the extent, cause and severity of any timber decay in the structural timbers. Advice on what needs to be done to fix the problem and if required a detailed treatment schedule and cost is included.
Architects, Structural engineers, planners, property developers and surveying practices use us to gain insight and clarity on the condition of structural timbers within proposed projects.
Read on for further details or call us on on Leeds 265 2752, York 566577 or Sheffield 224 5121 or email us via our contact page.
The Multiple Roles of Dry Rot Specialists on Commercial Projects
So why is rot such a problem on larger, commercial projects, and what can you do to control it?
Many commercial projects are based around the renovation or revamping of older buildings. These in particular can harbour extensive dry rot, hidden and thriving in damp and dark parts of the structure.
The main issue here is that dry rot tends not to produce the spectacular fruiting bodies that most surveyors tend to recognise… until conditions start to dry. This often happens once a project is in progress: as repairs to roofs and improvements are made. As a dilapidated building gets more watertight and becomes warmer, the changing conditions impact the outbreak and, in distress Dry Rot fruiting bodies are produced. By then, any delays can disrupt the entire project.
Our qualified and experienced dry rot specialists are timber surveyors and can help architects, developers and structural engineers prepare early on.
We’ll provide detailed timber and damp reports outlining any timber decay and specifying safe, effective and guaranteed solutions, to get the project back on track and to eliminate any further potential problems. Remember – dry wood doesn’t rot. The cause of decay is always excess moisture and our CSRT qualified dry rot specialists know this.
Need advice or want to book a survey?
Safe and Sound Dry Rot and Wet Rot Treatment
The days of calling in a firm just to spray lots of chemical about are long gone. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Construction (design & management) regulations apply for all projects.
Competence is no longer just a case of checking for a CSCS card (though we all have these). It’s about making sure that potential contractors on commercial and domestic sites can demonstrate much more than their ‘trade’ expertise. Moreover, their ability to work safely and not create avoidable negative environmental or ill health issues for anyone on site is paramount.
Merely calling in dry rot specialists with no track record, qualifications or demonstrated health and safety culture, is a potential breach under the CDM regs.
Over the past years we’ve worked hard to build a positive health and safety culture in our business. Our MD Bryan Hindle leads this and is an Associate member of IOSH.
All our projects are designed with health and safety in mind from the start – is the work avoidable? Are there safer alternatives?
Further Reading
CPD Points for timber infestations
Do you work in an Architectural practice, Structural engineers or Surveying practice? Check out our continuing professional development outreach. Here’s a record of a timber infestation presentation, given to built environment professionals in South Yorkshire….. CPD points for timber infestations. Below is a news item from our Technical Director Bryan Hindle’s blog, where one of the North’s leading civil and structural engineers invited us to talk about damp and timber.
Damp and Timber CPD with ARC Engineers of Leeds
I spent an hour or two with Andrew Rimmington and the engineering staff of ARC engineers, in Morley, Leeds earlier today . Andrew is a keen supporter of continuous professional development and as he said to me today “We don’t do damp and timber surveys, but we need to know what’s involved and what … Continue reading