andysmanclub stickers on Brick-Tie vans


Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Founder Trustee (Brick-Tie EOT)

ANDYSMANCLUB are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. They want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men, through the power of conversation. #ITSOKAYTOTALK

Everyone in Brick-Tie are proud to support Andysmanclub because we know that the construction industry has unacceptably high suicide rates. Men in particular tend to avoid talking about their worries, or mental struggles. So, every Monday night, Andysmanclub hold free to attend meetings around the country. Open, honest discussion, and non-judgmental listening happens week-in, week-out. These meetings are proven to help men over 18 share their problems and receive support.

Andydmanclub #itsokaytotalk sticker on Brick-Tie van
As the sign says….

Recently we added some club signage to the rear of our vehicles. we want to spread the word about the club. It’s there, in every area of the UK. Local meeting can be found via the ‘find your nearest group‘  page on the andysmanclub web-site. Just type in your postcode for a list of venues.

Ask anyone who has attended how these meetings have helped them and often they’ll say “I don’t know how it works, but it does”. So please, if you are male, and worried, anxious, frightened, lonely,  or have other signs of mental anguish, come along to a meeting, and see what’s on – that first step is the hardest, but you’ll be welcome. Sit and chat if you wish, just listen if you like –  have a cuppa and a biscuit.





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