Wall Tie technician Craig Tarbotton gets his reward

Best wall tie installers by results

Picture of Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Bryan Hindle CSRT CSSW GradIOSH

Founder Trustee (Brick-Tie EOT)

Brick-Tie College of building restoration delivers its first class!

Following the first exam of 2020 the results are in for appraisal. It looks like we really are the best wall tie installers. However, there’s always room for improvement in life. As a result we’ve responded with a bespoke lesson to improve our team’s knowledge and safety.

best wall tie installers learn more skills
Bryan and the team explore the technical and safety elements of wall tie replacement at Friday de-brief

This lesson was delivered last Friday at our weekly be-brief. MD Bryan Hindle took everyone through the full test “technical and safety implications of residential wall tie replacement”, which everyone had sat a fortnight before. This time he provided the answers and elaborated with the relevant technical references and discussion. This enabled everyone to explore each topic, with Bryan able to react to the questions and help improve understanding.

This lesson went really well, the feedback from the technicians and surveyors was useful for future sessions too. So for the benefit of the whole team the office crew attended the lesson. They said it was fascinating and it would help them in their work, particularly when answering technical questions from clients.

Brick-Tie technicians study wall tie corrosion in depth
Our team learning together to be the best wall tie installers in the UK

This program is designed to take our technical and health and safety standards to another level, far beyond that of any of our peer group of specialist contractors across the country. That’s a tall order because we are already starting from a high level (demonstrated by the results achieved in the initial test). However, complacency is the enemy of quality, it fertilises arrogance and we reject it.  That said, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of pride and self-belief so, we will develop this college on a monthly basis and see where we are in 12 months. Bryan is willing to bet that it will be a good place. Perhaps we will be able to claim we are the best wall tie installers and much more besides?

Are we really the best wall tie installers? About the first test:

Two of our technicians; Garry Mackintosh and Gareth Clark, scored 100% in the health and safety section, which was excellent. Our top overall scorer was Craig Tarbotton, with an 89% combined technical and health and safety score – outstanding Craig! Everyone scored well on combined marks, with averages of over 70%!

Bryan is writing the next test now, which technicians and surveyors will sit in early February – the subject is a secret and could be anything from Structural repairs; damp-proofing, timber treatment, waterproofing, general construction principles or specific things like Helifix systems or Cintec anchors. One thing is certain though – it will be tough and like the first one at least 35% of the points will be based on relevant health and safety content.

Want the best wall tie installers and surveyors to help you? Contact us now for friendly help and advice. 0800 591541

Brick-Tie are full award winning members of the Property Care Association.

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